
What Happens When the Alternator Goes Bad?

You may end up with an illuminated dashboard warning light if the alternator goes bad. Specifically, the battery light will turn on and remain on until you replace the alternator. This is just one sign that your car, truck, or utility vehicle needs a new alternator. Here are other signs.

The Accessories Malfunction

One annoying problem that will happen is your vehicle’s accessories will start to malfunction. This includes the center console accessories, the navigation system, the entertainment system, and the power seats and windows. Unfortunately, this is a sign that they are not getting enough electricity from the alternator. They cannot run without enough electricity.

The Battery Dies

Your car’s battery will also die frequently if the alternator cannot produce enough electricity to keep it charged. This means you will have to jump-start the battery to get the engine started. If this has become a recent problem and your battery is relatively new, the alternator is the culprit.

The Electricity Overheats

Sometimes, when the alternator goes bad it overheats the electrical system in your vehicle because it produces too much voltage. When this happens, you may smell burning wires or burning wire insulation in your automobile. This can be a dangerous situation as it can start an electrical fire. You never won the alternator generating more than 14.5 volts.

The Engine Stalls

Another sign that the alternator is going bad is an engine that stalls frequently. This is a sign that the spark plugs are not receiving the power they need from the alternator. When the spark plugs do not receive power, they misfire or fail to fire and this causes your engine to sputter and stall.

The Lights Get Dim

A dying alternator will also make it difficult to see when you are driving at night because your headlights will be dimmer than they normally are. You will also notice that it’s hard to read your dashboard because the interior lights are also dimmer than they normally are.

Finally, a malfunctioning alternator will create grinding noises in the front of the engine. This is a sign that the alternator is having internal problems and it needs to be replaced. Do not worry. We can remove the old alternator and install a new one at our auto repair shop. Call us today to schedule an appointment for your vehicle for quicker service.

Photo by nazdravie from Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro

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