
4 Warning Signs Your Transmission Oil Pump Is Failing

Most drivers don’t give much thought to their transmission oil pump until it starts failing, and that can be bad news if you’re on the road when it happens. If you know what to look for, however, you can catch the warning signs early and save yourself the trouble of getting your vehicle towed later on down the line. So check out these four warning signs that your transmission oil pump may be failing soon, and ensure you get it repaired immediately to prevent further damage.

Transmission Slips

One of the most common signs that your car’s transmission oil pump is starting to fail is slipping gears. For example, you may shift your car from park to drive and press the accelerator, and the engine revs, but the car doesn’t move. In addition, you may notice that your vehicle comes out of gear unexplainably. While several problems can cause this, and some are more serious than others, it does indicate it’s time to get it checked out by a mechanic.

Check Engine Light

Modern vehicles have onboard computers that control the engine and transmission function. These control units monitor data gathered through a complex network of sensors to ensure that your car’s components work as they should. Therefore, a malfunctioning transmission oil pump may cause the check engine light to come on. While many factors drive the check engine light to come on, you may notice other signs of transmission problems in combination with the check engine light.

Noisy Transmission

Another common sign of transmission oil pump failure is strange noises coming from the transmission. This is due to lack of lubrication, which causes grinding or whining noises while driving, especially during gear shifting.

Burning Smell

Suppose your car’s transmission can’t get the proper lubrication from its transmission fluid. In that case, you may notice a burning smell during or immediately after driving. This happens because the transmission fluid will not be able to circulate, and old fluid will begin to burn, giving off a foul odor.

A failing transmission oil pump should be diagnosed and fixed by a professional as soon as you notice any signs. Severe damage can occur if you try to ignore this problem for long. Bring your car to your car care specialist if you suspect your transmission oil pump is starting to fail; it might just save you a lot of money.

Photo by Ruslan Maiborodin from Getty Images via Canva Pro

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